Tuesday 29 September 2009

Questionnaire-Results and analysis for Student magazine


1.What year are you in at school? Please circle your year group.

2.How many magazines do you read per month?  Please circle your chosen number.

This pie chart represents how many magazines are read by people per month.  It displays the information that only one person reads six or more magazines per month.  While two people read both zero and five magazines per month.

3.What are they about? Please circle your chosen magazine/s. If your option is not here, please specify your magazine on the dotted lines below.

  This Bar chart displays what genres of magazines people read.  Seven people read music magazines, while only two people read magazines that are based upon entertainment purposes.  A person who was surveyed answered that they read a magazine of which the genre was classed under the “other” category.

4.Would you consider buying a magazine from your school if they were to release one? 

This bar chart shows the amount of people who would consider purchasing a school magazine if their school were to release one.

5.If so, how much would you be willing to pay?

  This Pie chart shows how many people would be prepared to spend to purchase a copy.

6.What would you like to see in a student magazine, in order for it to seem appealing to you? Please tick the box. If you would like to contribute your ideas then please write along the dotted lines.

  This Bar chart represents what the consumers would like to see included in the magazine.

7.Would you be willing to help in produce the magazine?

This Pie chart shows that thirteen people were happy to help in the production of the magazine, while the other seven were not.

8.Do you think that it would benefit the school? If not please explain why you think this.

This Pie chart shows that all twenty people agreed that a school magazine would benefit their school.
Quotations from the pupil's views
"It would allow pupils to have a say and let it be known by all pupils" - Bex
"It could let me know how to achieve better grades by providing helpful tips" - Nathan

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