Tuesday 29 September 2009


Name: Rebecca Courtier
Age: 16
Subjects: French, Spanish, Religious Studies, English Literature
Favourite subject: French
Hobbies: Going out with Kam and friends, Yoga.
Interests: Going to church and helping out in Sunday school, going swimming .
Media consumed weekly: Watching television,i.e.films and music channel (seven hours a day). Facebook, myspace, listening to the radio and latest iTunes updates (twenty-one hours per week overall spent on the computer).
Magazines: Vogue, Asos

Name: Josh Ellis
Ae: 16
Subjects: Media, Business, Biology, Chemistry
Favourite subject: Media
Hobbies: Airsoft, gaming, socialising with friends.
Interests: Watching films, going to the cinema.
Media coinsumed weekly: Gaming on the playstation3(five hours per week), watching television(ten hours per week), listening to music via spotify and iTunes(fifteen hours on the computer overall per week).
Magazines: Official playstation, TV guide.

Name: Amy Wharf
Age: 14
Subjects: Maths, English, Science(Combined), Geography, Media, Graphics, Art, Spanish, Religious Education, P.E.
Favourite subject: Graphics
Hobbies: Dancing.
Interests: Hanging out with mates.
Media consumed weekly: TV, Radio, Computer (Overall about
Magazines: Heat, OK!, Glamour, Cosmopolitan

Name: Nathan Monod
Age: 11
Subjects: Maths, English, Science, Spanish, French, ICT, Religious eductaion, Physical education, Art, History, Geography.
Favourite subject: Maths
Hobbies: Playing tennis, taking part in activities with Scouts.
Interests: Socialising with friends at the park, cycling.
Media consumed weekly: Watching television
Magazines: Angler’s net, Sporting gun.

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