Tuesday 29 September 2009

Questionnaire-Results and analysis for Student magazine


1.What year are you in at school? Please circle your year group.

2.How many magazines do you read per month?  Please circle your chosen number.

This pie chart represents how many magazines are read by people per month.  It displays the information that only one person reads six or more magazines per month.  While two people read both zero and five magazines per month.

3.What are they about? Please circle your chosen magazine/s. If your option is not here, please specify your magazine on the dotted lines below.

  This Bar chart displays what genres of magazines people read.  Seven people read music magazines, while only two people read magazines that are based upon entertainment purposes.  A person who was surveyed answered that they read a magazine of which the genre was classed under the “other” category.

4.Would you consider buying a magazine from your school if they were to release one? 

This bar chart shows the amount of people who would consider purchasing a school magazine if their school were to release one.

5.If so, how much would you be willing to pay?

  This Pie chart shows how many people would be prepared to spend to purchase a copy.

6.What would you like to see in a student magazine, in order for it to seem appealing to you? Please tick the box. If you would like to contribute your ideas then please write along the dotted lines.

  This Bar chart represents what the consumers would like to see included in the magazine.

7.Would you be willing to help in produce the magazine?

This Pie chart shows that thirteen people were happy to help in the production of the magazine, while the other seven were not.

8.Do you think that it would benefit the school? If not please explain why you think this.

This Pie chart shows that all twenty people agreed that a school magazine would benefit their school.
Quotations from the pupil's views
"It would allow pupils to have a say and let it be known by all pupils" - Bex
"It could let me know how to achieve better grades by providing helpful tips" - Nathan


Name: Rebecca Courtier
Age: 16
Subjects: French, Spanish, Religious Studies, English Literature
Favourite subject: French
Hobbies: Going out with Kam and friends, Yoga.
Interests: Going to church and helping out in Sunday school, going swimming .
Media consumed weekly: Watching television,i.e.films and music channel (seven hours a day). Facebook, myspace, listening to the radio and latest iTunes updates (twenty-one hours per week overall spent on the computer).
Magazines: Vogue, Asos

Name: Josh Ellis
Ae: 16
Subjects: Media, Business, Biology, Chemistry
Favourite subject: Media
Hobbies: Airsoft, gaming, socialising with friends.
Interests: Watching films, going to the cinema.
Media coinsumed weekly: Gaming on the playstation3(five hours per week), watching television(ten hours per week), listening to music via spotify and iTunes(fifteen hours on the computer overall per week).
Magazines: Official playstation, TV guide.

Name: Amy Wharf
Age: 14
Subjects: Maths, English, Science(Combined), Geography, Media, Graphics, Art, Spanish, Religious Education, P.E.
Favourite subject: Graphics
Hobbies: Dancing.
Interests: Hanging out with mates.
Media consumed weekly: TV, Radio, Computer (Overall about
Magazines: Heat, OK!, Glamour, Cosmopolitan

Name: Nathan Monod
Age: 11
Subjects: Maths, English, Science, Spanish, French, ICT, Religious eductaion, Physical education, Art, History, Geography.
Favourite subject: Maths
Hobbies: Playing tennis, taking part in activities with Scouts.
Interests: Socialising with friends at the park, cycling.
Media consumed weekly: Watching television
Magazines: Angler’s net, Sporting gun.

Questionnaire for student magazine

Questionnaire 1

1.What year are you in at school? Please circle your year group.

Year7       Year8       Year9       Year10       Year11       Year12       Year13

2.How many magazines do you read per month?  Please circle your chosen number.

0    1    2    3    4    5    6+

3.What are they about? Please circle your chosen magazine/s. If your option is not here, please specify your magazine on the dotted lines below.

Science      Sport      Music      Entertainment      Fashion     


4.Would you consider buying a magazine from your school if they were to release one? If not then please state why on the dotted lines below.



5.If so, how much would you be willing to pay?

50p-£1      £1-£1.50      £1.50-£2      £2-£2.50

6.What would you like to see in a student magazine, in order for it to seem appealing to you? Please tick the box. If you would like to contribute your ideas then please write along the dotted lines.

Updates on school achievements ؖ                                       Latest in the media, i.e. music, gigs, TV-shows ؖ
Celebrity gossip                                 ؖ                                       Opportunities available within the school         ؖ

7.Would you be willing to help in produce the magazine?


8.Do you think that it would benefit the school? If not please explain why you think this.



Student magazine-textual analysis and representation

In the 2006 Spring edition of the King Edward IV Grammar school magazine "HighProfile", the front cover shows a lot about the school and opportunities that it provides. The photo that is displayed on the front cover completely fills up the page taken as a medium longshot, which includes all of the four people’s full figures. The boy in the middle is on his knees smiling gazing up into the distance which gives an ambitious impression, which gives the school the image that it helps to fulfil dreams. The three other girls who are standing around him are all in shock looking somewhere over his shoulder (most likely at the audience) and are in different poses which suggest surprise. This makes the impression that they are all in awe of something, which could resemble the awe at the school as it provides many opportunities, such as the play in which they are in. The girls are all in similar clothing which suggests uniform making the school seem more orderly and presentable. A prop in the photo makes the school seem creative along with the clothes and makeup.

The main title is in a big font and half in bold which makes it seem less formal by altering the appearance. This makes the magazine come across to readers as a more laid back and chilled magazine, opposed to a serious and formal one. The title for the issue is also in a big font which balances out the big font from the title at the top of the page. The use of white provides a neutral and universal colour which makes it apply to all readers. “A star is born” shows us that the school achieves and is able to provide good enough teaching, and facilities, to allow the students to gain something special from the school and benefit greatly.

  In this latest summer 2009 issue of "evolve" by King Stephenson's highschool the front cover has alot to say about the school, despite the fact that there are only a few words, the main picture can tell us alot.  At the very top of the page it states that the magazine is by George Stephenson's highschool.  By putting the name at the very top immediately gives the school a very important place on the page as the top title.  The bold heading "evolve" has no capital letter and therefore makes it seem less formal and more sociable as rules do not apply or have to be followed, it offers more freedom towards readers.  The font that the main title is casual and will come across to the reader as an easier and more enjoyable read.  At the bottom of the page it states proudly that the school have "the best school newspaper in the North-East", which by putting it on the front cover advertises the school as hard-working and manage to achieve alot from their hard works.  Photos of pieces of art show that the school is creative and are proud of what their students produce, as one of the pieces of art is the centre of the collage.

  The photo itself is a big collage of alot of the school and school realted items.  A pencil and a cricket ball, for example, resemble that the school is academic as well as sporty and therefore have the best of both and can promise more opportunity to the students.  There are a couple of photos of teachers who are smiling which shows that the school offers a friendly environment and the teachers are easy to get on with.  There is another photo of the teachers dresed up in fancy dress, which makes them come across as sociable and again easy to work with.  It makes the school seem more layed back but at the same time hardworking, because of the pictures of stationery.  Photos of the school building show that they are proud of their school and are happy to advertise it to the community.  Colourful designs also show an artistic nature and creativity of the school and a less formal appearance.  The background colour is yellow with clouds, which is a neutral colour between males and females so it appeals to everyone.  The fact that the picture is a collage also shows the artist nature of the school.